About Us

Times have long changed from the days when yummy snacks were made at home by the women folk. Today, people don't find the time to make homemade delicacies, but the habit of taking snacks have not changed but increased. There is a demand for snacks that taste homemade, that are where relish comes in. Relish began its journey in 2001 with a mission to bring to its customers delicious snacks filled with rich taste to satiate all their senses.

Young or old, all of us have a weakness for munching yummy snacks any time of the day. You understand that Relish's crispy and crunchy snacks are too delicious to resist. The expertise in processing and complete control at every stage of productions ensures that Relish transform the raw materials into something that has nutritional characteristics, besides tasting good.. The proof of the pudding it in the eating... Need we say more?

relish snacks

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